A tutorial for Chef Solo. Contribute to karmi/chef-solo-hello-world development by creating an account on GitHub.
Drush (Drupal shell) is a program that you can install on your computer and/or on your web-hosting server, which allows you to easily build and maintain all aspects of your Drupal installation, whether that be a 'Local' site on your… A tutorial for Chef Solo. Contribute to karmi/chef-solo-hello-world development by creating an account on GitHub. Chef cookbook that manages the use of BitTorrent for distributing files. - mattray/bittorrent-cookbook Archive takes a tar.gz, tar.bz2, or zip file, downloads it, and unpacks it as contents of the module. It takes same options as vendor, plus: Chef cookbook which installs individual packages via attribute or data bag metadata. - fnichol/chef-platform_packages Chef cookbook for ruby-build. Manages the ruby-build framework and its installed rubies. A LWRP is also defined. - edmonzo/chef-ruby_build
From There to Here and Here to There Due to the requirements of my client I have a need to move our chef server into a completely different hosting environment. This little journey started when I asked that we actually try and preform a… download_location = :: File.join( Chef:: Config[ :file_cache_path], 'gems.tar ') remote_file download_location do source 'https://your.artifact.server/gems.tar ' action :create end execute 'extract gems ' do command "tar -xvf #{ download… Chef Cookbook for Atlassian Stash. Contribute to bflad/chef-stash development by creating an account on GitHub. Development repository for ossec cookbook. Contribute to jonDowdle/ossec-cookbook development by creating an account on GitHub. Berkshelf dependency API server. Contribute to pingworks/berkshelf-api-binrepo-store development by creating an account on GitHub. Chef Cookbook for Cacti. Contribute to bflad/chef-cacti development by creating an account on GitHub.
The second config file, .chef/knife.rb is a repository specific configuration file for knife. If you're using the Opscode Platform, you can download one for your organization from the management console. Pragmatic Devops Vagrant Chef - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Pragmatic Devops Chef Tutorial - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Tutorial de Chef Using XIV in OpenStack Environments | manualzz.com Knife Plugins 27. ~/.chef/plugins/knife/ Cookbook.chef/plugins/knife/ Ruby Gem chef/knife 28. Community Pluginshttp://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Community Plugins 29. knife.rb file:knife[:cloudstack_url] = "http://yourcloudstackserver.com… Drush (Drupal shell) is a program that you can install on your computer and/or on your web-hosting server, which allows you to easily build and maintain all aspects of your Drupal installation, whether that be a 'Local' site on your…
Chef cookbook that manages the use of BitTorrent for distributing files. - mattray/bittorrent-cookbook
A cookbook will be downloaded as a tar.gz archive and placed in the current working directory. If a cookbook (or cookbook version) has been deprecated and the --force option is not used, knife will alert the user that the cookbook is… This will download the tar.gz file associated with the cookbook and will create a file named Cookbook_NAME.tar.gz in the current directory (e.g., ~/chef-repo). To download a cookbook as a tar.gz archive and place it in the current working directory, use the download command. Chef gem for uploading configuration in tar files. Contribute to cerner/knife-tar development by creating an account on GitHub. Knife plugin and Chef cookbook for managing tarsnap backups. - jssjr/chef-tarsnap Generates Chef knife commands from a simple JSON or YAML file. - mattray/spiceweasel This post will show some high-level overviews of Elasticsearch and Chef, and how to use Chef for deploying Elasticsearch.