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Ignaz Semmelweis Warning, pretty long post but if you haven’t heard of him I assure you it’s worth it. I doubt many have even heard of him before, but he was hugely important and sadly met a rather tragic end. Sir: I have the honor to submit a study of the Bontoc Igorot made for this Survey during the year 1903. It is transmitte It has been estimated that 44,000 Caretta caretta turtles die every year due to anthropomorphic activity in the Mediterranean Sea, and that longline fishing is one of the most significant causes of mortality. The altitudinal effects on the distributions of phyllosphere fungal assemblages in conspecific plants remain poorly elucidated. To address this, phyllosphere fungal communities associated with Mussaenda shikokiana were investigated at four… MN_2013-09-17 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Moorabool News Tuesday 17 September 2013